ECA Xtreme Stack


MG of Ephedra: 25
Serving Size: 1 Caplet
Servings Per Container: 90
Manufacturer: National Institute for Clinical Weight Loss

ECA Xtreme Stack by NICWL

The ECA Xtreme Stack is back, with ECA Xtreme (ECA Extreme) by National Institue for Clinical Weight Loss. Better than ever, ECA Xtreme Stack is the most popular weight loss supplement in history. You'll find out why ECA Extreme helps you cut massive amounts of fat by:
  • Boosting your metabolism
  • Utilizing thermogenics that turn your body into a fat burning furnace
  • Keeping that furnace burning hot all day long
  • Suppressing your appetite
  • Utilizing both natural herbs AND the best scientifically created supplements
  • Increasing your energy

What is Ephedra in ECA Xtreme Stack

Ephedra is a potent weight loss supplement, and when mixed with aspirin and caffeine, the results are amazing. Medical studies on this combination (called a "stack") found that subjects who took the ECA stack lost 613% more weight than those who took the placebo! Ephedra is the most studied dietary supplement ingredient ever, and the one consistent finding is that it burns fat like nothing else. Don't buy the latest, high price fad pill. Nothing works like ephedra. Moreover, no ephedra product works better than the ECA Xtreme Stack.

How an ECA Stack is Effective

What makes the ECA stack so much more powerful than ephedra alone? Why are there many bodybuilders, people who live by their ripped physiques, who will only use an ECA stack such as ECA Xtreme Stack to burn fat? The process starts with ephedra, a powerful thermogenic that has been used in herbal therapy for hundreds of years. From the very first time you take it, you will feel it working. It will increase your body temperature and provide a significant boost in energy, turning your body into a calorie-burning furnace. That means that your metabolism is blasted through the roof, especially when the combined of diet and exercise. However, your body releases two chemicals to counteract ephedra and bring your metabolism back down: phosphodiesterase and prostaglandins. Caffeine and aspirin inhibit their production, extending the thermogenic effect of ephedra, and allowing you to burn calories all day long. Add to that the ability of white willow bark extract to enhance other thermogenic compounds, and you have a potent metabolism booster in ECA Xtreme Stack. Ephedra also suppresses your appetite, so while you are passively burning more calories, you are taking in fewer calories. However, when facing times of calorie deficit, the body often wants to burn muscle first because muscle requires calories. If you've ever struggled through a strength plateau for weeks, months, or even years, you know that the human body doesn't want to carry extra muscle.

ECA Xtreme Stack for BodyBuilders

Bodybuilders can't afford to lose the muscle they've gained. Once their body fat is low, they want to display a freaky, shredded physique. That's why ECA Xtreme Stack contains Chromium Picolinate, which encourages the body to use fat instead of muscle for fuel. If you need proof, look at the required supplements of a serious bodybuilder. Most will contain an ECA stack, and ECA Xtreme Stack is the best.

Reviews of ECA Xtreme Stack

Whether you're trying to lose the last few pounds or the first, whether you're trying to make it through your workday or your workout, you owe it to yourself to buy ECA Xtreme by The National Institute for Clinical Weight Loss today.

Staff Notes about ECA Xtreme Stack

ECA Xtreme Stack is also known as ECA Stack Xtreme, ECA Extreme Stack, and ECA Stack Extreme. This ECA stack is an ephedra diet pill or ephedra product.