Bulking Andro Kit


What is Bulk Andro Kit

Have you maxed out your size and strength potential? Finding yourself stuck at a plateau? If you want to take your gains to the next level, then let LG Sciences lead the way with the Bulk Andro Kit. This revolutionary bulking kit includes all the 1-Andro and DHEA supplements you will need to get started on the path to building more muscle mass.

Benefits of Bulk Andro Kit

The kit includes one full cycle of M1D Andro, a rapid release precursor that is ideal for bulking with Androgenic Action; M1D Andro Liquid, a liquid based anti-estrogen pro-hormone; 1-Andro, a dry pro-hormone that is used to get shredded and stay lean; and Form-XT, a post cycle therapy (PCT) supplement that helps the body to rid itself of harmful estrogen's, while preventing muscle degradation.

Bulk Andro Kit Reviews

You have it all in one convenient bulking kit. Andro bulking kit makes it easier to achieve your goals. Having one bulking kit with all the products manufactured and designed by the same supplement company allows for them to research and design the supplements to react with each other. Pick up the Bulk Andro Kit by LG Sciences and start rapidly achieving your body building and bulking goals.