Trifecta Andro Kit


Trifecta Andro Kit Benefits and Reviews

If you want to dedicate yourself to serious muscle mass but you’re new to the pro-hormone scene, then let LG Sciences provide you with everything you’ll ever need to get started. The Trifecta Andro Kit is ideal for beginners as it contains the ideal pro-hormone supplements to pack on muscle while protecting the body.

Trifecta Andro Kit Products by LG Sciences

The Trifecta Andro Kit features the following products:

  • M1D Andro: a highly effective wet pro-hormone with a steroidal anti-estrogen. This pro-hormone is used by professionals to gain muscle in the shortest amount of time.
  • Epi Andro:a powerful anabolic pro-hormone that boosts performance as much as muscle size.
  • Form-XT:a post cycle therapy (PCT) supplement that will help to preserve and protect muscle growth, strength gains, and liver health.

Trifecta Kit Reviews

The Trifecta Andro Kit by LG Sciences is great for beginners looking to start their first prohormone cycle. For additional assistance in choosing a prohormone kit please contact us by phone or email.